Saturday, September 01, 2007


Last days 20th, 21th, 22th and 23th of Augost Aida invited us, Sara, Tati, Leo and me but Leo didn't can went because she was in another travel.

Aida inveted us to celebrate her birthday. That days ins xelva it were the festivities of the village.

It was very good because how it's a village more or less all the people knows to the others and all the time the people is in the street with his or her friends.

And at night, it was the best because there was a "Berbena" and we were dancing and singing all the time.

The first night we go with Aida's friends to one tall part of the village to see a firework display, it was very good but it was impresionant because we had the casttle over of us and it seem that it will fall over of us. It was very very impresionant.

In the afternoon of the 23th it was "La pozalá" that is one hour mor or less that all the people that wants goes to the square of the village with buckets and all the peolple gets wet. It was very funny but also it was cold.

And one night we saw Adrian and I told him that I wanted to dance with him but after he didn't come to the "Berbena". Very bad adrian, very bad. :P!

That days in Xelva were very very very good, we enjoyed our self a lot, next year we want to retunrn!:)

Thanks Aida!
CRedits- photo of Sara's fotolog

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