Sunday, January 28, 2007

*NatuRaL Disasasters*
The natural disasters are things who makes bigs catastrophes that the person can't stop.
A natural disaster for example is an earthquake. It's a moviment of ground that normaly is caused in one place who is located in the edge of one "placa tectonica". When two of this "placas" crash, and eatyhquake takes places.
Another natural disaster is an Tsunami. The first thing that happens it's an earthquake under the sea, then takes places a giant wave that flood towns, cities...
A volcano is a natural disaster too. It's a mountain of lava that sometimes burst and the lava fall down in form of a river. The volcanos normaly are produce like the eatyquekes, in the edge of one "placa tectonica".
Credyts->Photos: Google images.

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