Saturday, December 30, 2006

[Xmas in Spain]

The Spanish xmas are very varied because some days people stay with theirs families and other days with her friends.

Each family celebrate xmas in a diferent way but I think that all the formes of celebrate xmas in Spain are very similar.
The nigh of Christmas eve [24-12] people goes to have dinner with her families, they sing carols...Normally this day is more familiar and in a lot of Houses goes Papa noel and leave presents.
The day of Christmas [25-15] people make a lunck in theirs homes or in a restaurant with theirs families.
The new year's eve [31-12]. This nigh is when people celebrate who a new year comes. Normaly, in this nigh, people go with their firiends and it's more like a party.
And the best day of Christmas for childrens: Day of the magical kings. [ the night of 5-1 or the mornig of 6-1] That is when the magical kings leave presents for the childrens.
This celebration is only in Spain but Papa noel is in other countryes too, like in America. But there the name of he is Santaclaus.

Credits: Song ->

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