My Street.*
This is my street, Maestro Sosa's street.
My area is very calm, there isn't lot of people in the street and normaly there isn't lot of noise. But you can see that at night there is a lot of ilumination and I don't think that it was necesary.
Also this is a good place to live because it's nearly to the center.
But one day it happened a tragedy.
It happened close from my street and it was the tragedy of the underground, at day 3th of July.
It happened because the segurity of the old trains wasn't very good.
It was a very big tragedy to the city because here deaded lot of people that day. More or less 41 persons.
And normaly there are some flowers or thinks like that to remember the deads.
It's very sad!
Credits-> Maestro Sosa's street.